Leadership Coaching


Leadership Coaching brings you into your power and opens access to new resources.

In the sessions you explore concrete situations from your everyday life and work with the intelligence of my body. You connect physical, emotional and intellectual levels by consciously sensing your breath, words and body signals.

While your thoughts often run in circles, the body shows you quickly and directly where the power is and where energy flows. Suddenly you can see the essence of a problem more clearly, change your focus and recognize new opportunities.

Insights from this body knowledge are easy to understand, simpler than expected. They build on my strength, not on my fears.


“I worked with Anna for over 2 years. We grew from a startup to a company with over 200 employees, which substantially changed the requirements of me as a manager. Anna helped me along this path. She helped me to prepare for difficult situations in my everyday business life and to understand how to be precise and clear while at the same time empathetic and respectful. In addition, she helped me acknowledge and even appreciate my own shortcomings. I can fully recommend Anna to people who want to grow in high growth environments and who are not scared to be confronted with the things we’re usually trained to hide.”

Steffen Kiedel, CFO and Managing Director

“From the very beginning, Anna was never interested in turning me into a specific type of leader. Instead, she encouraged me to become the unique leader I was meant to be. Over the course of several months, Anna coached me through immensely stressful, complicated situations, and helped me gain confidence in myself to resolve conflicts, fight for what I thought was right, and establish my own personal leadership style. I highly recommend Anna to anyone who wants to become a better leader. You won’t find a better coach, and she’s better than any course / book on management.”

Aaron Thornburgh, Head of Product

“Anna is an extraordinary person, first and foremost she is truly human. She has challenged and evolved my self-reflection capabilities and ultimately contributed to myself becoming a more balanced and effective leader. I can highly recommend Anna to any C-level leader. She is a great resource to count on, be it for getting an outside in perspective or helping with either self-reflection and/or sorting thoughts and paving the way for the future.”

Reto Sahli, Chief Digital- & Information Officer

“Working with Anna helped me to deal with my day-to-day challenges and to strengthen my leadership skills. To regularly reflect on how I approach and experience certain situations with Anna helped me to explore different possible answers to specific and sometimes repeating challenges. I truly enjoyed the exchange with Anna and her coaching helped me to become a more confident and authentic leader.”

Andreas Schmid, Head of Product

“I worked more than 4 years with Anna as a colleague and as a coach. I appreciate Anna’s emotional intelligence, her super quick comprehension and her empathy. Anna never stops, she continues to educate herself and tackles complex challenges holistically. Anna brings outstanding added value and works not only theoretically, but practically, holistically and uniquely. Working with Anna is a win for your carrier and your life as well.”

Dima Beitzke, CSO 

“Eine tolle Entdeckung. Ich habe gelernt: Wenn ich auf meinen Körper höre, fällt es mir leichter, Entscheidungen zu treffen. Ein gutes Körpergefühl hilft mir auch, klare Gedanken zu fassen. Genau dieses Körpergefühl entsteht bei der Embodied Meditation.”

Jörg Hunke, Journalist und Medientrainer 

For example, as a leader I can experience how much pressure I create myself and how tight it feels in my chest. When I apply less pressure, which is literally in my hand, it can open the room for the energy to flow. Suddenly I can see how much more is possible if I apply my power more consciously and carefully.

I can trust this knowledge deep in the body … 

… to find the right words at the right moment, to do the right thing.

Or, I feel a tightness in my head when I think of the current conflict with my colleague. The conflict makes me feel paralyzed and it narrows my view. When I follow the impulses of my body and notice the strength in my legs, calm energy spreading out in my body, the image in front of my inner eye suddenly changes. I realize how much I was trapped in my head.

Feel freer and meet the other person at eye level again

This relaxed state of open perception, connection to the essence and resulting clarity has an effect far beyond the coaching and builds the base for leadership in business and life.

A typical Leadership Coaching session takes one and a half hours and can be done in person or online.

Try out Leadership Coaching!