Embodied Berlin


Discover the intelligence of your body!

Hello! I am Anna Paucher, executive coach and founder of Embodied.Berlin. I work with executives and founders who embody leadership and want to live and work with joy. 

In our collaboration you will learn:

  • How to really achieve your goals
  • How to create sustainable change 
  • Why the head is not always helpful in this process
  • How the body can support you in making decisions


“I worked with Anna for over 2 years. We grew from a startup to a company with over 200 employees, which substantially changed the requirements of me as a manager. Anna helped me along this path. She helped me to prepare for difficult situations in my everyday business life and to understand how to be precise and clear while at the same time empathetic and respectful. In addition, she helped me acknowledge and even appreciate my own shortcomings. I can fully recommend Anna to people who want to grow in high growth environments and who are not scared to be confronted with the things we’re usually trained to hide.”

Steffen Kiedel, CFO and Managing Director

“Ich mache Embodied Meditation, um mir Zeit für mich zu nehmen und auf meine innere Stimme zu hören, die im Alltag durch all den „Lärm im Kopf“ oft ungehört bleibt. Durch die Gruppenenergie ist für mich mehr Konzentration und Loslassen des Alltags möglich, meine Gedanken werden schnell ruhig.”

Sandra Eigruber, Leadership Coach

“Eine tolle Entdeckung. Ich habe gelernt: Wenn ich auf meinen Körper höre, fällt es mir leichter, Entscheidungen zu treffen. Ein gutes Körpergefühl hilft mir auch, klare Gedanken zu fassen. Genau dieses Körpergefühl entsteht bei der Embodied Meditation.”

Jörg Hunke, Journalist und Medientrainer 

“Anna is creating the perfect space to allow us to reconnect to our bodies freely. I always have a feeling of lightness, deep presence and peace after taking Anna’s sessions. Thank you so much Anna for guiding us so gently to recognize and honor our bodies so powerfully. It is much needed especially when we are on the “thinking” and “autopilot” mode.”

Marie-Louise Pereira, The Fulfillment Coach

“Ich komme wieder mehr in Kontakt mit mir, mit meinem Körper. Wenn ich in Kontakt mit mir bin, fühle ich mich lebendiger und mehr in Balance. Ich kann besser sehen, was in meinem Innern passiert. Meine Sinne werden geschärft. Ich werde gelassener in meinem Alltag und kann meinen Mitmenschen offener und liebevoller begegnen.”

Sebastian Spielhofer, Praxis für Osteopathie

“I worked more than 4 years with Anna as a colleague and as a coach. I appreciate Anna’s emotional intelligence, her super quick comprehension and her empathy. Anna never stops, she continues to educate herself and tackles complex challenges holistically. Anna brings outstanding added value and works not only theoretically, but practically, holistically and uniquely. Working with Anna is a win for your carrier and your life as well.”

Dima Beitzke, CSO 

Body and mind are an unbeatable team …

… and form a unified, inseparable system when they work together. If you want to solve a complex problem, the answer does not come through much thinking. It comes when you become one with your body. Head follows the body. 

But how?

Often you know exactly the next step, and yet you act differently out of habit. The brain is comfortable and loves familiar routines. As a result, you follow the same patterns over and over again and are surprised when nothing changes.

You need the body and its intelligence to really make a change.

Then the old patterns no longer define your actions, but you make decisions based on real-time information from your body. As a paradox, you stay calm because you are connected to your body and consciously aware of what is going on.

Body intelligence is simple, natural, and intuitively accessible to everyone. Leadership Coaching and Body Meditation are two formats to connect with body intelligence and to experience it directly. 
